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(14-04-2018) Herbal and fruit supplement found to be more effective at managing diabetes than metformin drug

(Natural News) Type 2 diabetes can be a tricky illness to manage. In many cases, it is entirely possible to keep it under control with proper diet and regular exercise, and the lack of side effects makes this the most prudent approach for many people. However, others turn to diabetes drugs like Metformin to manage their condition, many times at the behest of their doctor, without realizing there are other options.

The repercussions of poorly managed diabetes are very serious, but those who take Metformin often pay the price in terms of side effects and the higher risk of mortality that comes from taking it alongside insulin. Moreover,one out of every seven patientsis unable to tolerate this medication due to its effects on the kidneys.

Thankfully, researchers have recently found a few good natural options for managing diabetes when lifestyle changes alone aren’t cutting it. One recent study shows that anIndian herb and fruit supplementis not only effective at managing type 2 diabetes, but it actually works better when used alone than in combination with Metformin.

Known as Ojamin, this supplement iswidely used in Indiafor diabetes because of its few side effects and lower cost than synthetic drugs. It contains the aqueous extracts of 14 different herbs, whichinclude Gooseberries, Fenugreek, Bael, Turmeric, Haritaki, Java Plus, Neem,Basil, Okra, Blueberry Extract, and Watermelon Seeds, to name a few.

In a recent study published in theJournal of Ayurveda and Integrative Medicine, this drug was evaluated using rats with induced diabetes. The rodents were randomly divided into groups including a control that ate regular food, a diabetic control group, and those that took Metformin and Ojamin separately or together. Those who took the supplement were given doses of Ojamin that were equivalent to the adult doses typically used by humans.

After analyzing their blood, urine, weight, cholesterol, triglycerides, and other metrics, the researchers found that Ojamin led to significant improvements in the lipid profiles of diabetic rats, lowering their cholesterol and triglycerides and showing notable antidiabetic and antihyperlipidemic effects. Moreover, they concluded that taking Ojamin and Metformin together did not control diabetes as effectively as taking it alone. Next, the researchers would like to see further studies carried out to determine exactly why Ojamin has these effects and explore the possibility of increasing its potency to better fight this widespread illness.

This is great news for those who either cannot take Metformin or would rather not take on its risks. Ojamin is free from GMOs, pesticides, additives, and sugars, and it can be taken as a capsule or a tonic.

Other natural treatments showing promise in managing diabetes
Another natural treatment that has shown some promise when it comes totreating diabetesin recent studies is a compound known as sulforaphane, which can be found in cruciferous vegetables like broccoli. Ginseng has also been shown to help control blood sugar, while chromium supplements helped participants in another study to improve their insulin sensitivity.

Diabetes is a very serious illness, and getting it under control should be a priority for all sufferers. Poorly controlled diabetes can cause problems like stroke, blindness, glaucoma, high blood pressure, foot problems, nerve damage, heart disease, and kidney damage, among others.

With1.5 million new cases of diabetesdiagnosed every year in the United States and more than 30 million Americans already dealing with the disease, the need for effective and safe treatments has never been greater, and this study underscores the tremendous potential of herbal solutions in fighting the illness.

SeeDiabetesScienceNews.comfor more breaking news on the science of diabetes prevention and treatment.

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